Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunday Sermon with The Rever-end Dillinger

Yeah though I walk through the valley of death I shall fear no evil? So what does that mean? Hmmmm... I wonder? Have you walked through the valley of death? It is just down the street and round the corner. Might be called Joe's Bar, Pinky's Whore House, might even be your own little white picket-fenced house, right? Children, the Ides of March... Julius new them well... is full-time, permanent, walk My path and you shall be with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven. What do you see as you stand to look at yourselves? A man? A woman? A child? A whore? A war monger? What? Why must you and I walk through the valley of death, which is a metaphor for life on life's terms? Do not sit, but stand and walk with me. Those I suppose are not Jesus Christ's words; never read them in the bible, although like words I have. Why should we walk with God and we will never walk alone? Have you ever seen Him when you turned to look behind you in a dark alley? What the hell were you doing in that damned alley to begin with? You walked into a dark alley to search for something, I know.

Now the search begins. What is fear but a reaction? Is it an emotion? I think not, but, rather something learned to enable us to survive. Think about it, children. Does the child fear the serpent, the scorpion, the electric outlet? He learns that these things, among others, will cause him pain. Does he know of death? What child knows of death other than the children who have learned to fear it? How often have I heard the good, spiritual person wailing at the loss of a loved one? If they are as they say, a true believer, why do they not rejoice? Fear, that wretched necessary learned reaction, the valley of death, screams at them in anger.

Screams silence my soul. Screams; those buggers that walk in the dark alley of your mind, that support your desire to reach out, beg for oblivion, for hope that our Lord God will hold you up, succor you to his breast, gently wipe the sweat from your feeble breast, welcome you to His kingdom. Yet, you fear, for it is all you have. You cannot have courage without fear, as I have so often spoken. You cannot have faith without doubt, for if you have no doubt how could you have faith? Blind the man who stumbles into the alley, the valley of death, in hopes for salvation that he so readily has at hand. The Lord God Almighty asks only for your love and forgives His mistake of creation. What choice does He have, for Lucifer, his most beautiful of angels, waits in soft decry of the Lord who did not create him. How could the Lord, who is perfect in all, quicken the dust, create in His image so foul a creature as we?

He could not have created His most beautiful of angels, for if He had then we would indeed live without the valley of death, the dark alleys of our minds. We would live without the warrior or the pacifist. We would be as our Lord God Almighty but for his error.

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