Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sunday Sermon with Dillinger Flakewaiter

Creation Subjugation-short and sweet on metaphorical Sunday

Adam and Eve. I suppose Adam gets first because Eve got seconds. Children how is it that our precious Lord and Savior, and again I go back to free will, did such a dirty on women? You sit in front of me here at the Holy Church of Blessed Waters and I know you wonder as I do. What is it about our church that makes it the spiritual place it is? Our church was not created by me nor was it by our Heavenly Lord and Life Savior. It was created here, today, for us, by the logic of chance. Think about that one for a second or two. So back to the dirty trick, which it was not, because Adam and our Eve were a creation of man, not God, but frightened most fearfilled men. How many, dear hearts, religious pith helmets were created by women? Oh, lemme see, um, er-OH-HOW ABOUT NONE!!!!

Adam is the metaphor, if you like, for the fear by men of women. Logical? Damn right! So why is it that nobody has taken up the sword of the woman? No, no, not that equal rights bullshyte; the real sword, the one that men hang over the heads of our creators, for what is a man without a woman? When a man loves a woman and all that blues or soul, it is fine, right? Hell, maybe that is why some men and some women prefer their own kind. As a blasphemer of women I can understand their succulent idols, whereas I cannot understand, other than fear, the desire to host a hairy creation in whatever form it may present itself. But what the hell and who gives a crap right children?

Oh, that question of the sword men hang over women... Have men held women down, below, not so hot as us? Sure, all the time, regular as church on Sunday they have. It, I suppose, came down way back then to balls and tits, strong muscles and so-called weaker ones. The women had the kids. That is it, by George: the kids! Damn, I am getting close to figuring this out. Just bare with me for a minute or two. So the women bare and care, that makes them weak? Hang on, I am getting somewhere. Lady lions have cubs, hunt, do the work right? Then what happens? Hmm-lemme see. The big bad dude lion comes in and takes the grub, right? Can you transplant the heart of a lioness into the body of a big bad dude lion? Hmmmm???? Oughta try that, I suppose. Something to consider. Is that metaphoric?

So man's heart is messed up, done. A woman can give him her heart, right? If that is indeed the case then one has to consider that we are not all that different? 'Viva la difference' I hear the genders scream. Sure and correct fear, that is. Now do not get me all fudged up here, children. I love women, yet, I am superior right? Sure I am, sure you are, sure we all are. Hmmmm????

All metaphoric donations gratefully accepticated here at the Holy Church of Blessed Waters and consumentary propogational therapy-love from the Reverend Bishop Elwood Jake Thurmond Nelson St. John (pronounce Sin Jin) Smythe Heatherington Large Nutted Imp Like predescissor of all things silly!

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