Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sunday Sermon with Dillinger Flakewaiter

Death and a dime for a cup of coffee

Death and a dime will get you a cup of coffee. You see, children of mine, that death is as that cup of coffee that today we cannot purchase for a dime, right? It is indeed a hefty proposition to suppose that death, or for that matter a cup of coffee are determinable commodities. We can purchase both but at what price? What!!!! I hear your minds screaming, what!!!! Death is inevitable, you say? Cannot be denied! Death and taxes, the concoction of the few for the control of the masses. Death is inevitable unless you are not with our Lord and Heavenly Host. You children simply cannot die, you cannot purchase a cup of coffee for a thin dime, but, can you? Therein lies the difference between the constructed and the holy. God, your Lord and Savior is the spirit of mankind. He is not some ill conceived consideration to control you. However, religion often is. I say often because as in life there are exceptions to every rule, and this is a fine one I should think. God your Heavenly Master is beyond rule. He did confide in me that He is, on occasion at least, marginally bored. I had never realized this about God, but, since He done told me, well, my children and His, it must be so.

I have heard that each and everyone of us should, no, must search for, find their bliss. What is this damned bliss that some man speaks of so diligently? As he sees it, the absolute truth. Without said bliss one is searching in life for the abject, the will of the masters, never happy or at peace without. Now, do not the masters of the Earth demand that mammon is the king and queen of life? I think they do, do you? It seems to me that without bliss but with massive mammon, one could at least fake it, right? Would you rather be poor and ill in spirit, or rich and ill in spirit? Would you prefer this bliss with or without mammon and the acoutrements of said? Perhaps this philosopher who has raked the earth for years in search of bliss did not, for he is indeed dead, understand that bliss is a state of being one with the creator? On the other hand perhaps he did, but, he is dead and not with his maker for he searched on earth only what is found in Heaven. He stated that spiritual development was indeed the source of true bliss, but, how could this be? He searched for bliss on the fields of dirt that clouded his feet, stirred his insides into turmoil over the lack thereof in the people that he was trying to convince. Lost in this search he did not, or could not, comprehend that his unfathomable egocentrictic behavior forced him away from his bliss while he either subconsciously or consciously stood before said masses with a shield of pseudo bliss covering his manic search for something he claimed to have already found. That he was indeed blessed with the righteousness of having found while we must search. The words 'must' or 'should' are dangerous words for if we do not we are lost. Indication is the truth of his message.

Reach into your purses, your wallets and give me all of you, your manna, your spiritual mammon that exists only to persuade God that He is indeed your bliss. Do it my children so that I may be as I must be; Covered in your love for God. It is the only thing to do really. You do understand, do not you? Of course you do. It is as the dime and death. Give me the contents and I promise that you all will live in the hereafter with your Lord and Savior our Heavenly Father. What have you to lose except the weight of earthy have to. Not a bad deal I should think. No! Not a bad deal, a great deal. Besides, the Maserati needs loving.

If you buy this please understand I do it only for one reason-BLISS!!! Yours of course-Amen and Amen

Send your contributions to the Right Reverend Bishop Dillinger Flakewaiter of the Holy Shrine of Heavenly Bliss. I just know you will, kiddos!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Reverend Bishop Dillinger Flakewaiter,
    The check for a gazillion dollars is in the mail to you now, as we speak. Thank you for your Sunday services.. I know that I can buy my happiness through you, afterall, isn't that how life is meant to be...everyone is responsible for our happiness, except us??

    Peace brother.. and continue your kind services. I shall have all of my friends forward their fortunes to that we may have a more peaceful, loving, happy society.

    Your humble respect

    A virginal flocker
