Thursday, February 25, 2010



– It is indeed a sad fucking day. Production of all Hummers has stopped and the line has been pulled. Sales were down 85% in 2009, with only 325 vehicles being sold. Wait a minute… vehicles??? Oh, I get it. We’re talking the vehicle Hummers. Whew! I was a bit worried there. They were fucking road hog gas guzzlers anyways.

DATELINE: UTAH – Miscarriages are illegal in Utah. Yes, the fucking stupidity is mind-boggling. A bill expanding the definition of ‘illegal abortion’ passed with an incredibly astounding majority. This means that if a woman suffers a miscarriage, she now will have to prove she was not reckless. If she is found guilty of this ‘criminal homicide’, she can face life in prison. In this case, reckless includes things like falling down the stairs, being abused by a partner or spouse, having a drink… yes, damned near fucking everything. She is assumed guilty of killing her baby in all these situations. It is hard to believe that these fucking idiots have been able to completely destroy the rights of all women, and yet… they managed, with a majority of votes… because losing a baby to a miscarriage is just not traumatic and difficult enough for a mom to deal with. Once again politicians, for the sake of maintaining their fucking power base, seem fucking delusionally convinced they can and will be the moral compass for the world, because they have a direct line to God.

DATELINE: YUKON – Dogsledders are pushing for their sport to be included in the Olympic Games. Hello? Have you watched the coverage from Vancouver? I hope to hell your dog sleds come with wheels for those Olympic venues that have no fucking snow.

DATELINE: WASHINGTON – Toyota bigwig, Akio Toyoda apologized for the safety issues involving his cars. Whoop-de-fucking-do. If, as he insists, there is no issue with onboard computers causing the random accelerating problem, why are they offering to add new ‘safety software’ to help reassure their customers? Yes, Mr. Toyoda, owners of your cars DO Love what you do to them… They probably would prefer it though, if you fucking wined them and dined them first, or at least invested in some of that fun and crazy his and hers KY. Oh, and the change of the name from Toyoda to Toyota... it has to do with the number of brush strokes needed to write the name. Toyota requires 8 brush strokes, so it was the luckier of the two. How's that working for ya?

DATELINE: ONTARIO – After two reports of a doctor in Windsor performing two unnecessary mastectomies, a review of the hospital’s files back to November show another seven ‘serious cases of concern’. In 2001, after bullying one woman into surgery for an extremely aggressive cancer that could only be treated by surgery, the patient was told a week later that in fact she had no cancer at all. To have this happen more than once is incredible, and not in a good fucking way. Sadly these stories are becoming the norm, and there are few people in this country anymore who do NOT have horror stories to tell of what they experienced at the hands of medical staff here. When the hell is the Canadian government going to get our healthcare system under control? Oh, wait… they are all too fucking busy eating perogies and flying to fucking Florida for their medical treatments, so they probably can’t fit the regular working tax-payers problems into their schedule just yet. Undoubtedly this will be a key rotted platform in their next fucking election campaign though.

DATELINE: BOSTON – Two students at Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton were subjected to electric shock treatment as punishment for an offence they never even committed. One child received 77 shocks and the other received 29. This facility has been under fire before for the totally stupid cruel fucking policies they have when it comes to dealing with autistic and other special needs children. Here is my take. Get those children the fuck out of that facility… NOW. For the love of all that is fucking holy… this children are strapped down and fucking zapped with electric jolts by teachers… fucking teachers! Animals do not even get treated like this. Get those children out of there and to where they will get some love and compassion. Get them someplace where they will be treated as humans, with some respect and consideration by people who actually have a fucking brain. THEN take the people who run the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center and fucking hook them up to their electric shock machines and zap the fucking crap out of them. It might be advantageous to hook one of those little zappy doo-hickies to their fucking balls… if they have any. Brain-dead fucking bullies like those who run this place usually don’t have balls. Why the hell are the people of Massachusetts sitting back and letting this crap happen… for fucking YEARS!

DATELINE:VANCOUVER – Once again, the Canadian Border Service at Vancouver Airport have proven that communication was not high on their list of skills. Pawel Marach came to visit our wonderful country. When his aunt and uncle went to meet him at the airport, they could not find him. They searched, they asked for assistance, they went to the Canadian border Service and asked, and were told that he did not arrive in Canada – while the man was sitting only feet away being questioned. He had tried to visit a month earlier and was turned away because of concerns he was here to work instead of to visit. He was given a list of the required documents he would need in order to visit here, so he did go and get them, including proof from his employer about his travel arrangements, but still, upon arrival he was stopped and accused of lying. Marach was held for two days at the airport, then returned to England. When he asked if he could please at least attempt to contact his family to let them know, he was told by the agent that it was not her problem. The only thing that went right for Marach was that the RCMP weren’t called to assist. It’s a good day when you can get through Vancouver airport without getting tasered to death because Canada Border Services can’t get their shit together.


  1. Just when I thought all "those" people were in the US. Now, I am losing my appetite to visit Canada - must mean NAFTA is working afterall, we're all just alike...

  2. Phew!! Good thing I don't live in Utah or I would have been locked up long ago.. shit..imagine the luck of living in Boston.. at least I only have to fear my kids being electro shocked..
